Welcome to tagsana’s documentation!


Install tagsana with pip install tagsana.


Get count of all tags in all workspaces:

import tagsana
t = tagsana.Tagsana()
count = t.get_count()

The get_count method takes three parameters: * wss - A string or list of strings of workspace IDs * users - A string or list of strings of user IDs * projs - A string or list of strings of project IDs

These parameters may be mixed and matched to delimit the desired Asana Tasks.

For example, to get a count of all tags in a single workspace:

ws = '1557440990743'
ws_count = t.get_count(wss=ws)

However, to get a count of all tags in a single workspace by a list of users:

ws = '1557440990743'
users = ['2347449870723','65745409982364']
ws_count_by_users = t.get_count(ws, users)

Finally, to get a count of all tags in a list of projects:

projs = ['4968349870754','90234099589364']
ws_count_by_users = t.get_count(projs=projs)


Indices and tables